Monday, April 29, 2013

Noel Eagleson Visit Moss Motors - Virginia

Former SABCC President Noel Eagleson now resides in Virginia with his lovely wife while she pursues her career in the area. While much missed, Noel keeps in touch with his fellow British car enthusiast friends along the Gulf Coast. Noel says he regularly attends British car shows in the area and has a number of car hobby related events he plans to attend soon. By the way, Noel, this is an invitation to you to write about your adventures and I'll post them to this humble blog. 

Photo Courtesy Moss Motors (Defacement by Yours Truly)
Noel recently attended the open house of Moss Motors new warehouse and manufacturing facility in Virginia. He came away very impressed with Moss' level of inventory and their commitment to the British car hobby. Noel says that owners of classic British cars owe the folks at Moss a debt of gratitude for helping us keep our cars on the road.

I was browsing the Moss blog recently and noticed that our own favorite Irishman was photographed while listening intently to a presentation on car upholstery during the tour.

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