The weather experts predicted rain showers with possible thunderstorms for the Saturday selected for the annual club picnic/general membership meeting starting almost a week ahead of the event. Thankfully, day turned out to be only moderately warm with partly cloudy skies.
The club rented the lovely pavilion at the City of Silverhill's Oscar Johnson for the day. In the past, the city generously granted the use of the facility at no charge, but with the many improvements to the park the city decided to charge a reasonable fee to use the spacious pavilion and cooking shelter. In years past SABCC paid for various picnic sites but the park in Silverhill seems to have become a club favorite.
Club president Richard Cunningham and board member Dick Bishop arrived early to give the pavilion a quick cleaning and cover the picnic tables with plastic. Once these chores were under control, the duo relaxed and swapped stories until other early arrivals came on the scene. Volunteer chef Ron Wolverton arranged his burger and hot dog grilling operation while Chris Cronk surprised the group with freshly caught tuna ready for the grill, too.
A number of the more intrepid members braved the heat and rain threat and drove their classic British cars to the picnic. A side of the park was reserved for their parking which eventually looked like an impromptu car show. A Silverhill police officer even dropped by to have a look and chat with the owners.
Before long the noontime hour rolled around and serving began after club VP of Membership Jack Ross asked a blessing for the meal. Soon, a double line of hungry SABCC'ers filled their plates with food cooked on site and with side dishes generously brought by the attendees. We were spoiled for choice and the only regret heard was that not everything could be sampled.
Richard Cunningham called the June meeting to order just moments before the danger of large lunch nod-off to dispatch the minor business of the day. Event announcements were made and British Car Festival 2013 news was passed on to the membership.
After the business portion of the day was handled, the members present resumed their conversations and inspection of the classic cars present. As the heat of the afternoon increased the instinct for self preservation kicked in and the group wisely gathered up their possessions to depart.
The club owes a great gratitude to Dick Bishop and Jon Gosnell for reserving the park, Ron Wolverton and Chris Cronk for grilling and serving some fine fare, Richard Cunningham and Dick Bishop for getting the facility ready and bringing extra tables and fans on the day of the event. Of course, a big thank you for everyone that brought side dishes to share.
Everyone attending seemed to be having fun despite the heat. The food was good and there was a nice selection of sides and desserts. Approximately 30 members attended.
ReplyDeleteThanks to Roldney for documenting this great event.
Becky Kramer
SABCC Secretary
Thiis was a lovely blog post